Haystack US announced!


How Hosted Quepid Works

  • Zero-lock in

    Leave at any time and keep all of the improvements & insights. Quepid never replaces your open source search stack.

  • Unobtrusive browser app

    Quepid acts as a simple, browser-based search client. It searches, but never modifies your Solr/Elasticsearch data or configuration.

  • Simple setup

    Nothing to install. Just point Quepid to your search engine and go.

  • Minimal data storage

    We avoid storing unnecessary private data. Only queries, ratings of documents, and explain information are kept on our server.

  • Want to host it yourself?

    Download and build Quepid's open source code - use Docker Compose for quick setup


Quick-Start Wizard

A simple, step-through wizard guides you through creating your first search case. With minimal settings and nothing to install, you'll be rating queries and tuning your search in minutes.

Developer Sandbox

Experiment with confidence. Tweak search parameters and evaluate their effect on search relevancy. Not happy with your changes? Revert back to any point in the query history with a single click.


Freeze your search results in carbonite! Save, review, and compare snapshots from months or years ago to evaluate the effectiveness of relevancy changes.

Custom Scoring & Tests

Personalize ratings by computing a quality score based on your definition of search correctness. Or write a test to pass/fail a search based on content, number of search results, or any other criteria.


Effectively manage your team of collaborators, enabling them to share cases, rankings, and custom scoring efficiently across multiple teams.

Open Source

Freely available open source code allowing you to download and build Quepid into your own infrastructure. Docker Compose allows for easy installation and setup.