Disappointed with search? Quepid, the search tuning toolbench, improves your app’s search results in a fraction of the time and effort of manual relevance tuning methods.
Elasticsearch doesn’t understand your users: you do! Integrate user experts into the search team: marketing, content curators, and domain experts. This is where Quepid comes in. Quepid bakes business intelligence into search tuning so search constantly improves and never goes backwards. Quepid keeps the business engaged, turning Elasticsearch relevance from confusing morass of statistics into a transparent and reliable process.
Pinpoint where and why Elasticsearch isn't returning relevant results. Quepid gives you actionable intelligence over your search, arming you with insights to direct your tuning efforts. Instantly see the impact of your tuning. Step into the time machine with snapshots to review changes over months and years.
Tell Quepid what you value from search results. Customize how search is evaluated with your own tests or custom search evaluation methods. Put search in your own hands: not the search engine's!
Elasticsearch has no idea what your users need: but you do! Arm your domain & content experts with the power to influence search. Let them tell Quepid what the right answer is by rating search results on their relevance. Let Quepid explain how Elasticsearch behaves in human, not jargony search engine, terms.
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