Haystack US announced!

What Does Quepid Do With My Search Engine and Data?

Quepid: Always Choosing The Lightest Touch

  • Browser Driven, Leaving You In Control

    Quepid interacts with your search engine entirely through your browser through standard Solr & Elasticsearch search APIs. When you give us your Solr or Elasticsearch URL, Quepid attempts to see if your browser can search your search engine. Being browser driven means you control Quepid's access. For example, if you need to be on a VPN to interact with your search engine, then Quepid won't have access work until your PC is logged into your VPN. Being entirely browser driven means Quepid's backend has no ability to access your Solr or Elasticsearch instance.

  • What Does Quepid Store?

    Quepid only stores the bare minimum of your data it needs to operate. Quepid's only concern is to help you work more effectively with your search engine by storing:

    • User Credentials
    • Query & Config Settings
    • The URL to your Solr or Elasticsearch
    • The unique ids of rated documents & snapshots
    • Tests & Custom Scorers
    • Relevance explanation of each snapshot result

  • Still Not Sure?

    We completely understand. If you have additional concerns continue to experiment with the provided test collections (Virginia State Laws) and don't hesitate to contact us in the form below to discuss on-premise or enterprise solutions.

  • More Information

    You can learn more about how Quepid interacts with Solr & Elasticsearch by reviewing the Splainer-Search Javascript library that Quepid uses for search.